Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)
aconitate hydratase ACO2, YJL200C
Putative mitochondrial aconitase isozyme; similarity to Aco1p, an aconitase required for the TCA cycle; expression induced during growth on glucose, by amino acid starvation via Gcn4p, and repressed on ethanol
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Gene Ontology Cellular Component
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- Interactors 84
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- PTM Sites 3
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Displaying 1 protein 1 non-assigned with 3 total post translational modifications
aconitate hydratase ACO2
Length: 789
Non-Assigned PTMs
Post translational modifications that are currently unassigned to a specific residue location.
Location | PTM | Residue | Source(s) | Note(s) |
- | Ubiquitination | K | eyJSRUxBVElPTlNISVBTIjp7IlVCSTQiOiI8c3Bhbj48YSBocmVmPSdodHRwczpcL1wvdGhlYmlvZ3JpZC5vcmdcLzMxMjE1XC9zdW1tYXJ5XC9zYWNjaGFyb215Y2VzLWNlcmV2aXNpYWVcL3ViaTQuaHRtbCcgYWx0PSdVQkk0Jz5VQkk0PFwvYT48XC9zcGFuPiJ9fQ== |
Protein | Relationship | Location | PTM | Residue | Identity | Source(s) |
UBI4 | Conjugate | - | Ubiquitination | K | PTM |